Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Call China From Your Computer Cheap

Cheapest Way to Call to China

Making calls to China can be extremely expensive if you simply call from your land-line and allow your traditional carrier to bill you for international calls at the regular rate. There are dozens of plans for calling China, but many have hidden charges, and reading the fine print is crucial.
The overall monthly cost to call China will depend on several factors, including what part of China you are calling, whether you are calling a landline or mobile, how long the calls last and how often they are made. You should carefully evaluate exactly how your time is spent on calls to China and look over all your options before making a decision.

Beware of Other Prepaid Phone Cards to China

Many who may not be able to afford a landline or expensive international mobile calling plan, calling cards can allow cheap calls to China and will work from almost any phone - even a pay phone. The rates posted will generally run anywhere from 2.0 to 6.5 cents per minute, but hidden fees will greatly increase your costs - weekly fees can range from 69-89 cents, plus there is often a per call connection fee which can run up to nearly a dollar per call.
In addition, most calling cards round each call up to the nearest 3-6 minute mark which can quickly run up your costs if you make lots of short calls. If you need to call China with a calling card, read the fine print - many calling cards charge ten times as much to call there compared to other areas of China.

Home or Mobile Phone Plans for Calls to China

Home Phone and Mobile carriers are still some of the most expensive ways to call China, but for very infrequent calling they may be the most hassle free option. AT&T offers a $3.99 per month mobile plan for US to China phone calls, with a per minute charge of 9 cents a minute; their land-line U-Verse international charges are 5-7 cents per minute for calls to China over and above the regular phone bill. Verizon’s Nationwide Plus China plans range from 20-45 cents per minute, depending on the level of plan purchased.

Using Your Computer to Call China

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) let you use your computer connection to make cheap calls to China. The most popular VoIP option is Skype, which has prepaid plans allowing calls to China for as low as 10.5 cents per minute as well as monthly subscriptions. Google Voice charges 4-19 cents per minute for call to China depending on whether you are calling a landline or mobile and what city you are calling.

Zoom SIP Offers Extremely Cheap Calls to China

Cheap calls to China can be made using Zoom SIP, with rates as low as ONE CENT per minute for most cities. Zoom SIP charges no monthly fees or connection fees. You can also use the Mobile App or Call from PC feature to make calls from anywhere you have an internet connection.
Many people need to call China regularly for business or simply to stay in contact with friends and family members. Being able to make cheap calls to China means your life is easier and you are able to stay in touch without incurring insane phone charges!
You can sign up for as little as $3 here: sign up now!