Thursday, February 21, 2013

Merchant Accounts: What to look for

Although the actual payment processing is nearly universally the same across all merchant account services, the best merchant account providers have high approval ratings, get your account up and running quickly, have low start-up and monthly fees, offer great customer service and posses a wide array of hardware for their clients. It takes a combination of all of these things to stand out in the marketplace.
Average Approval Rating 
This term means something a bit different in a merchant-account context than it does in common usage. The approval rating for online merchant account services refers to the percentage of applications a company approves. The higher a service's approval rating, the higher the chance you have of getting an account through that service. This is an important number to know, especially if the service charges an application fee.
Cost per Month 
It does you as a retailer very little good to accept payments if the service takes more in fees than you make in profit. The best merchant account services offer low monthly service fees as well as low per-transaction costs.
Start-up Cost
 Any merchant account service that makes it too expensive to start accepting payments shouldn't warrant your consideration. Some services can cost as much as $300 before you can even accept a dime in payments. 
Account Set-up Time
 In addition to having low start-up and monthly costs, the best companies turn your application around within a day or two after you submit it. Lesser services can take up to a week.
Customer Service 
Allowing a company to handle your payments involves a huge amount of trust. If a company does not have great customer service, it doesn't deserve to handle your livelihood.
Internet-based Features
 More and more companies are moving to a primarily online business model. Therefore, virtual terminals and gateways are features we look at very carefully.
POS Swiper Features
 Brick-and-mortar retail outlets are not going away, no matter what the digital evangelists may say. You will always be able to walk into a store with money and walk out with goods or services. The best merchant account services provide a wide array of point-of-sale hardware for your physical retail outlet.
An internet merchant account is a simple but important thing. When you are shopping for a merchant account service, always keep in mind that the service needs you more than you need it. There is no reason to go with anything less than the best company you can find.